Welcome to SRD Management
SRD Management (dba SRD Architects Inc.) is an architectural, project management, construction management firm founded by architects with over 27 years of experience in design, construction and project management of large commercial, institutional and transportation projects. We have LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) accredited professionals on our team for projects seeking LEED certification. We are proactive leaders, self-motivating and possess skills of good planning and management practices.
Company Profile
SRD Management (dba SRD Architects, Inc.) is a California Corporation and has principal licensed in the State of California. The principal of the firm represents 27 years of experience managing and designing various major projects in the Los Angeles region from design to construction. The experience has been from inception to close out of various projects. We are experienced in virtually every institutional building type such as Sheriff Stations, Probation Buildings, Office Buildings, Research Centers, Community Facilities, Transportation Centers and Building & Safety Offices.
Our Mission
Excellence in Construction Project Management is our mission and driving force. We are passionate about architecture that enhances our environment for work and play. Our philosophy is to become a leading provider of design management and construction management to satisfy the user's needs. Quality of our service is very important to us.
Professional Affiliations